
7 Questions You Might Be Asked In A Law Interview

The legal profession is well-known for its competitiveness, and obtaining a training contract is onerous. To impress recruiters, become familiar with the most often asked law interview questions.

During a law job interview, they will ask you various questions regarding your career, the firm, and the law. They will ask about your skills and competencies, commercial awareness, and your capacity to cope with the unexpected.

1- What motivated you to pursue a career as a solicitor?

While firms view this as an easy opening, it can throw candidates for a loop.

Always interpret the question in terms of the firm you are applying to. For instance, if you apply to an international commercial firm, you must demonstrate an interest in international commercial law. Examine the firm’s primary website – not just its recruitment website. It frequently offers relevant information about the industries in which the firm operates.’

Emphasize your breadth of legal work experience and explain why you opted to pursue a career in your chosen specialization. Provide specific examples of the knowledge you’ve acquired in your selected profession and how it’s bolstered your interest in law.

2- Have you sent applications to other firms?

This is not a sleight-of-hand question. Be candid but detailed in your response.

Indicate two or three other firms you’ve applied to, along with a common rationale for doing so. For example, they all have a similar culture, or all trainees receive an international secondment. This displays your apps’ consistency. It demonstrates to an employer that you are passionate about your field. It shows you want to establish a career in a particular practice area.

Make no apprehensions about mentioning an application to a competitive firm. Suppose the remainder of the interview goes well. In that case, this may work to your advantage, as recruiters are unlikely to want a great prospect working for the competition.

3- How did you get interested in this firm?

This question is to measure your level of familiarity with the organization.

To respond, rely on insights days and any job experience that confirmed they were the ideal firm for you.

Are there any special perks, initiatives, or programs offered by the business that set it apart from its competitors? Bear in mind that responding, ‘Because you pay more for trainees,’ is unlikely to please.

Additionally, demonstrate your expertise by citing a few recent instances of interest or expressing an interest in working with specific customers.

4- How would you differentiate yourself as a trainee?

There are far more applications than available positions for training contracts. This is your opportunity to highlight your unique selling qualities and demonstrate what you can provide to the organization.

Identify critical strengths and experiences through the use of authentic, relevant examples. Do not simply state that you are an excellent problem solver. Instead, describe how you proved this ability during a student mooting tournament.

This is also an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how the firm’s culture and values align with your own. Are there any social or charitable activities you’d like to participate in? Are there any sports teams within your organization that you’d like to join? Are there any holes in the social offering of the firm that you could fill?

5- If you could enact any law, which one would you choose and why?

Another way to phrase this is, ‘which law would you like to amend and why?’ This type of question assesses your legislative understanding while also providing insight into your judicial perspectives. Additionally, your response will highlight the areas of law about which you are enthusiastic.

Choose something that is not too contentious. Selecting legislation or legal topic that has recently made headlines demonstrates your current legal understanding. Alternatively, introduce a law that benefits the firm or its clients directly.

6- Your boss provides inappropriate advice during a customer encounter. What are your responsibilities?

While questions centered on a dilemma may be challenging to answer, they are to assess your situational judgment.

The best approach to prepare for these inquiries is to read the Code of Conduct of Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). It stipulates that all trainees and solicitors must behave with honesty and in the best interests of each client. Additionally, it specifies that you should deliver a high level of service to clients. You should also conduct yourself to keep the public’s trust in you. Any behavior that violates this code of conduct is grounds for disciplinary action.

7- Could you walk us through a recent legal industry issue?

Legal recruiters believe that commercial awareness is one of a candidate’s most critical talents when questioned.

Your response must demonstrate a working knowledge of the industry, regulatory, economic, cultural, and social challenges. You should also know the company’s identity and structure.

To address concerns about commercial awareness, keep an eye on the news and read newspapers daily. Subscribe to legal newsletters and configure your phone’s notification settings to receive the newest business news. Consult business websites and social media accounts.

An excellent way to conclude your interview is to ask some of your own. Inquire about advancement opportunities and the possibility of developing a long-term career with the employer.

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